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Known for their face and body laser, light and energy-based aesthetics products, cutera's popularity grew a lot in the past decade. Below are the most frequently asked question i get about these solutions, followed by my answers:

Who should buy Cutera lasers?

Cutera lasers is one of the most popular brands of all time, and has recently saw a resurgence of popularity especially in New York City among physicians specializing in cosmetic procedures with a focus on four categories of aesthetic solutions and their brands.

What are Cutera's strengths?

Cutera machines (in particular the Cutera Xeo) are amazing, and have been largely unchanged int heir design over time because of the expert quality in the initial design.  They excel at the following procedures:

  • Hair Removal: full body treatments; the most desired laser procedure
  • Non-Ablative + Skin Laxity: popular for excessive skin redness, large pores and pigment issues (all no downtime procedures).
  • Fractional + Ablative Resurfacing: invasive with moderate downtime; addresses issues such as deep wrinkles, pigment, mild vascular problems; promotes overall skin quality
  • Vascular: treats broad range of vascular conditions including the face and lower extremities such as a variety of common leg veins.

Which are the most popular lasers?

The Limelight, Titan S, Titan V are the most popular machines I've worked with.

Why Cutera for hair and vein removal?

Cutera has been the pioneer in establishing the “all skin type” hair removal practice. Cutera’s multiple hair removal devices include Alexandrite, Diode and Nd:YAG treatment modes – for all skin types. Hair removal is still the #1 requested aesthetic procedure, and Cutera delivers. Other benefits include:

  • The “clearview” handpiece feature prevents vessel closure due to contact pressure.
  • Contact copper cooling provides the most efficient method of cooling for optimal skin protection and comfort.
  • The Vantage safely and effectively treats discrete vessels, high pressure vessels and deep veins.
  • Patented PowerFlex technology provides fast treatments and high efficacy; allows independent control of fluence, pulse duration and repetition rates to tailor your treatment parameters.
  • Easy on-the-fly spot size adjustment (3, 5, 7 mm) facilitates optimal selection for safety and results.

How durable are the machines and handpieces?

After around 10,000 shots handpieces will lock, and may be slightly costly to reapir. Cutera manufacturers often charge double the price it would cost an experiences third party technician.


Want more advice on Cutera Lasers? Fill out the form below and I'll reach out to you personally and help you with any Cutera related questions.