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Ari's Cosmetic Laser Review is for Alma, Cutera, Cynosure, Palomar and IPL, Sciton, Syneron and Candela, and Zimmer lasers. Buying, Selling, Renting, Repairing cosmetic lasers. 

Lasers are a big investment... don't guess.

Get my 100% unbiased advices on which laser is best for you!

I've spoken to hundreds of physicians, sold hundreds of machines, and have gathered feedback from customers about their needs. Not all machines are right for every practice. Below are a list of questions that everyone should answer when looking for a cosmetic laser that fits their needs. Fill out the form and I will send you an email about which machine is best for you. Please put your phone number, if I have further questions for you I will give you a call. Though I am happy to assist,  I do not have too much time to correspond via email.