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Filtering by Tag: refurbished

Why Buy Refurbished Machines?

Edan Krolewicz

When staring off in the laser industry, you need to have quality equipment at affordable rates. You can’t go buy $100,000+ machine, use groupon, not have clients and expect to make your money back. Start off with a machine that is used and has service reports. If there are no service reports, make sure you have a technician take a look before making payment. If the company has a technician, ask to speak with him and get the details on that specific unit. Ask as many questions as you can. Better safe than sorry!

Key things to note:

  • Ask To Facetime or Skype and see the machine before you purchase.

  • Ask to see the machine turn on and fire

  • Sometimes its worth to fly to see the machine! This is your business.

  • Ask for service reports. Who owned the machine before your laser provider received it.

  • Make sure you can get service and parts for the machine you desire. Understand that all machines need to have maintenance done every 6 to 8 months. Once a year a least! You wouldn’t drive your car all day for a year and not change the oil would you?